May 5th Update

 • Spoke with cardiology and she feels his Pulmonary hypertension is much better and wants to lower the remodulin dose and move towards getting him off of it. They just lowered it now so that's a huge step. They'll monitor his pressures and if they need to go back they will but she doesn't think that'll be the case - she thinks those numbers were a fluke the other day because they've been good since (the two I talked about yesterday that should be the same).

• ENT came by and they do want to take a peak down his windpipe, just to make sure they won't have issues when its time to take him off the vent. So that'll happen tommorow.

• They did have to up a setting on the vent, but assuming it has to do with taking him off the fentanyl. Trying to find a happy medium with morphine, still between 25-30% oxygen.

• That's about it, good day for him again ❤