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The Beginning of Our Journey

It was 6:30 the night after our 20 week ultrasound. We had spent the day looking up boys names and sharing the news with some friends and family. Having had two miscarriages the year prior, I was hesitant to be too excited. I just had that feeling, and those fears were realized when the phone rang.  I remember feeling as though I was watching myself from the outside as she said the word 'anomalies'. The ultrasound had taken a long time, and there was no reassurance that everything looked fine - just that it would be reviewed and they would let us know. But I really thought I was being paranoid and could never have anticipated what was all to come in the next few months. Not that anyone could have. I was told that Kilians lateral ventricles in his brain were dialated, which meant that he had ventriculomegaly. When I asked what that was, she said that he may need to have a shunt put in to drain the fluid if it turned into hydrocephalus - pressure in his brain. They were also c...

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